+44 (0) 28 2587 8650

Out On SIte at Our Low Energy Build Near Aghalee

...30.06.23 Back on site at this beautiful home near Aghalee

This home has installed Air Tightness products from ECOHomes Store. The products include air tight tapes and thermal bridigng thresholds to all windows & doors. This will ensure the client will save on those dreaded energy bills by having an air tight low energy home. 

Are you or someone you know thinking of building or self building ? Then give us a call today to get a start on your project.

02825878650 or send us an email with your site location & details to info@fmkltd.com 

Go to www.fmkni.com for more onsite, completed & approved projects

#architect #architectballymena #architecture #lowenergy #energyefficiency #airtightness